Fiore Service srl

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Buddusò pearl gray granite - Sardinia


The Granite

The material extracted is a medium-grained pinkish-grey leuco granite, poor in mafic materials.
Commercially it is known as “Bianco Fiore“, from a macroscopic point of view the grain appears very homogeneous and, with its medium size and its very warm and particular colour, it clearly distinguishes itself from other grays grown in northern Sardinia.
These chromatic characteristics are also the basis of its commercial success and have remained rigorously and invariably constant for 50 years now.
From a physical-mechanical point of view, the pearl gray granite extracted in our quarry appears remarkably compact, homogeneous, with excellent characteristics.
Laboratory tests revealed the following average values:

Simple compressive strength (UNI EN 1926)     190,00 Mpa
Compressive strength after freeze-thaw cycles (UNI EN 1926)195,42 Mpa
Flexural strength under concentrated load (UNI EN 12372)   15,60 Mpa
Flexural strength under concentrated load after freezing and thawing cycles (UNI EN 12372)14,90 Mpa
Apparent density (UNI EN 19362,626 t/m3
Water absorption  at atmospheric pressure (UNI EN 137550,3 %
Abrasion resistance (UNI EN 14157)16 mm   
blocchi granito Sardegna / Buddusò lavorazione granito Sardegna / Buddusò